The Adventures of the Halter Family...

Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do so you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before. Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. All really big discoveries are the results of thought. - Alexander Graham Bell

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My 30 Day Challenge

Thanks to my wonderful friends and colleagues at Colorado State, I was challenged to participate in their 30 Day Challenge Program. The idea being you commit to doing something for 30 days straight that will better you or society, knowing that it takes 15 days to make or break a habit. Welcome to day 10 of my 30 days.

Meet my friend... Mr. Elipitical. He's my partner in this 30 day challenge. Well, one of my partners. My 30 day challenge goal was to do something active each day for 30 days.

See before Mr. Connor came along, I was in really good shape. Probably the best shape I had been in since high school. I had lost weight, toned up, and was super committed to working out every chance I could. And with a free gym 20 steps from my office, it was easy to stay motivated.

Well then pregnancy came, and with it was the uncertainty of workout and the impact it could have on the baby. Just like with most things baby related, there are opposing answers to every question and you have to find what works for you. Well then work got busy, my feet swelled, and even walking became a chore so working out was not in the cards. Then the little man came and poof, its six months later and time to get motivated again.

So on day 10 I am happy to report that I have done something each day to be more active than a normal day (Joe and I walk a little less than a mile to work from our bus stop everyday so this is above that.)

Here's the other thing about this challenge, I HATE running. No seriously, running and I don't get along. Never in this lifetime will we be friends and want to spend all of our time together. However, running on Mr. Elipitical is teaching me that running with him is not so bad. So maybe in this 30 day challenge, I'll not only create a good habit but learn to like something as well.

What would you do if you could do a 30 day challenge? These are not meant to be BIG commitments, just small ones that might make a difference. A friend of mine gave up drive thru fast food restaurants for 30 days. Another decided to take one minute before getting out of bed to center themselves for the day. What's stopping you?

1 comment:

  1. I like to joke that I'm allergic to sweat. :) So even though I KNOW how good it would be for me to work out, I rationalize my activity as chasing the kiddos around!

    My goal is to get up 30 min earlier every day and use that time to be quiet. Really quiet. I've discovered since getting married (to a guy who likes to talk to me, whatever that's all about!) I rarely have a chance to hear my own thoughts...

    That quiet time in the morning this past week has been very special.
