The Adventures of the Halter Family...

Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do so you will be certain to find something that you have never seen before. Follow it up, explore all around it, and before you know it, you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. All really big discoveries are the results of thought. - Alexander Graham Bell

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Working with Mom!

So for those of you that don't know me, I'm Connor Halter! And Mom asked if I would be her guest blogger today since she is busy with work! Of course I said Yes! Although what is a blog... and what is a guest.... I"m only 3 1/2 months so I'm new to all of this. Mom says though that I will never know a life without technology... whatever that means. 

So I guess this thing called work is something that Mom and Dad do during the day when they are not at home with me. All I know is that some days Mom takes me to this big place where lots of people hold me, play with me, and get excited to see me. I'm not complaining- I love meeting all kinds of new people.

 So yesterday I got to ride in the car with mom and dad to work. I love car rides- especially because I can fall alseep without two furry things Mom and Dad call my sister and brother keeping me up by licking my feet or doing this thing called barking. (the only way I know that is because both mom and dad are constantly yelling no bark at them)

Here is my adventure.
The day started with Mom doing something called checking email... I have no idea what email is.
And because I don't know what email is I got bored and in this picture I'm saying I'm done looking at this screen.
So then I got to do my favorite thing.. PLAY! This has all kinds of toys and lights and music for me. Two things about this picture: Where are my pants?! and look I'm rolling over!

I'm staring at the lights!
Oh and by the way... my hands taste way better than something Mom and Dad kept sticking in my mouth called a pacifier!

Oh here are my pants! Ah, I'm better off without them.

That's because I can lift my legs better and try to suck on my toes! I'm really good at pulling off my socks now. Mom keeps putting them back on.
Mom kept shaking this thing at me... I followed it as she moved it around just to make her happy.
Playing is hard work! So I get to sleep in Mom's office during the day too.

My day with mom at work was just as fun as being at home with her. I like this place called work. I think I need to go there more often. In the meantime thanks for letting me share my adventures with you. I like this blogging thing.

1 comment:

  1. Too cute :)

    See also: I miss you. Let's catch up soon?
